Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Clear Pulse

Some years back while working on a project I was asked to provide a monitoring/performance tool that would enable the support desk to proactively monitor the end-to-end network performance of the mobile workforce. The requirement included the ability to temporarily track the network performance of one or more existing users. And to use standalone devices or emulators to continuously monitor performance.  It measured round trip time of a data payload through the following components:
  • Device (Motorola, HTC, and laptops)
  • 3G Network (or wifi if so connected)
  • Firewall
  • Middleware/Relay
  • Back End System (SAP)
  • and back again!
At the time this performance tool was built as a one off for the customer. So I was excited to hear from Shara Evans at Market Clarity. Shara is passionate about the telecommunications industry and has a wealth of knowledge in this space. Market Clarity is the Australian and New Zealand partner for Mobile Pulse who won a 2013 FierceWireless Fierce 15 Award. Mobile Pulse enables the collection of location and time based network performance information across operating system and device platforms. It collates the information into a powerful dashboard for analysis.

Network performance changes over time. Different operating systems and device models may achieve different network performance due to software patches and hardware intricacies. When a subset of mobile users have a problem how can you effectively pinpoint the cause? With a tool like Mobile Pulse you can:
  • Understand telco performance for your mobile user groups
  • Understand wifi performance for your mobile user groups
  • Differentiate performance between carriers
  • Differentiate performance between operating systems
  • Differentiate performance between device models
  • Gather data for improvement discussions and negotiations with Telcos
This kind of tool enables a better user experience, reduced cost of support, a proactive approach to troubleshooting, and empowers you with the facts rather than relying on Telco provided coverage map. To find out more have a look at the services Market Clarity provides including:
  • Research Publications
  • Custom Research & Consulting
  • Telecoms Infrastructure Database
  • GIS Based Demographic Analysis
  • Strategic Advice
  • Research Database Extracts
  • Benchmarking
  • Market Tracker
  • Tender Management
  • Training & Seminars
For full information refer to Market Clarity's website or contact Shara.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The History of Mobile Computing

Mobile computing is the culmination of a number of technological advances that have occurred in parallel. Key aspects that have led to the current explosion of mobile computing include general computing, user interface, display, communications, storage, battery, and culture. I've collected some of the key milestones into the above timeline for consideration. (You can click the image to open a larger version). Please let me know of any items worthy of inclusion or alteration.

Mobile computing is used when there is a need for computing power away from a desk or office environment.  Initially this became evident in military and advanced transportation scenarios. For example when calculating ballistics in ships and submarines or to help carry out checklists on spacecraft. These days with mobile computing being ubiquitous everyone can use the power of mobile computers to assist with business and personal tasks.

Between the abacus and the pocket calculator there weren't a lot of leaps directly in mobile computing. However the complimentary technologies where falling into place to support the current mobile computing that we enjoy today. Also I find interesting that throughout the years inspiration in the form of science fiction predicted or prompted advances in technology. For example Star Trek is credited as inspiration for the development of the mobile phone. Famously the film a space odyssey 2001 was referenced in law suits in relation to the development of the tablet computer.

Now with growing power and sophistication mobile computing is often discussed in terms of being the new desktop or the new internet. For more thoughts on this and other topics please refer to my blog on the future of mobile computing.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

One Fujitsu at CEBIT

Thanks to Fujitsu Australia's involvement in CEBIT many people have a new and wider perspective of Fujitsu's products and services. Located prominently, right beside the entrance to hall three. Fujitsu had a high visibility booth modeled around the Fujitsu infinity logo. A great example of "One Fujitsu" the exhibition showcased products and services from across the Fujitsu group, this included:
  • Fujitsu servers
  • Storage
  • Desk-based computing
  • Mobile computing
  • Tablet and slate computing
  • Scanners
  • Business and Application Services
  • Enterprise Mobility
  • Cloud and Hosting solutions
Here's a quick overview video encouraging people to visit the booth. Fujitsu also had fantastic participation and involvement from partners including:
Leading up to the event social channels such as Twitter, Linked-in, and blogs where engaged to increase awareness and encourage participation.

The CEBIT social team and partners actively re-tweeted Fujitsu's involvement which spread the message further. Throughout the three days Fujitsu partners including SAP and I Know IT helped spread awareness by live tweeting information from the event. Additionally Fujitsu and partners educated a wide audience with more than 30 presentations.

Presentations where well attended and included the following topics:

  • Why Cloud, Why Now?
  • Scanning and Archiving
  • A DIY Cloud in Kit Form?
  • Mobility - More than Mobile Apps
  • Fujitsu and the DC PODFactory

With more than 30,000 attendees there where many enthusiastic and interested visitors. One visitor that would be familiar to many was Senator Stephen Conroy, pictured below with the Fujitsu Group's Executive Director of Sales Mike Inge.