This year the majority of press focused on phone hardware, wearables, and virtual reality. While the big announcements (especially Samsung) got most of the press it’s interesting to see that different countries had a local flavour to their news focus. The following is a few examples of how each country reported MWC 2015:
- Australia: the big story from Mobile World Congress concerns a Telco, Optus, releasing a mobile payment watch. I’m sure this will stir up a few financial institutions in Australia.
- China has plenty of articles on the Chinese manufacturers such as Huawei, ZTE, and Lenovo.
- India: certainly covered the Samsung and HTC announcements however there has been more focus on the mid-price handsets by Gionee, Sony, and Microsoft.
- Ireland: is excited about partnership announcements including Brite:Bill Sprint as well as Asavie Zvelo.
- Japan: along with the generic news on the latest handset announcements, Fujitsu’s Iris technology rated plenty of mentions.
- Spain: The land of the conference! The news focused on the Samsung announcements, the endorsement of the conference by King Philip VI, and the attendance.
- UK, USA, Germany: plenty of focus on the latest handsets and watches that were announced. Especially the Samsung and HTC devices.
- Fujitsu’s Iris technology
- Google’s Android Pay API
- HTC’s One and Vive
- Huawei’s smart watch
- LG’s Urbane watches
- Microsoft’s Lumia 640 & Windows Mobile 10
- Samsung’s new Galaxy 6 & Edge, VR &, MST
- SanDisk 200GB microSD card
- Apple & IBM for enterprise mobile applications
- HTC & Valve for VR
- SAP & Jasper for IOT
- Qualcomm & Cyanogen for OS on QRD
- Samsung & Cheetah for Junk Cleaning
- Mozilla and Orange for Kilf Firefox
- Mobile Advertising and Marketing
- Internet of Things
- Mobile Money
- Mobile Gaming
- Future of Mobile
- Mobile Apps
- Net Neutrality
- HTC: “Relentless pursuit of brilliance” & “Utopia in progress”
- Samsung: “crafted”, “mystical”, “you are covered”
- Sony: “the wow”
- Huawei: “Dream makers”, “dreams inspire creativity”